Mum inspiration - Meet Mina Kolouchová
We got together with Mina Kolouchová and talked about the changes that come with motherhood and what she thinks is the most important thing to teach her daughter. She also gave us her best advice on kidswear and what quality means to her.
Mina Kolouchová, 27, mum to Stella, 3 y. Founder of @mamaminaa
What have you learned about yourself after becoming a mother?
I found out that I was in a hurry all my life, but when I stop, then I’m just living.
What surprised you the most about motherhood?
Fatigue. Definitely. Haha.
What is the most important thing you want to teach your daughter?
Love. Love yourself and the world around you, respect all needs and trust yourself.
What have you gotten better at since becoming a mother?
I learned to see things I already know as if it were the first time. Be patient, take your time, listen, and the most important thing I’ve learned is to step out of my comfort zone and not collapse from it.
What are your thoughts on quality, what does it mean to you?
Like every mother, I want the best for my child. Stella has had eczema since she was a baby, so the quality of her clothes is very important to me from the beginning.
Give us your best advice on creating a wardrobe for your little one
I chose a palette of colors that are close to me and at the same time easily combinable with each other. So Stella can choose her own clothes, because they match each other.
How do you take care of your clothes to make them last?
I don’t put clothes in the dryer and love every piece!
Tell us something that makes you happy and something that inspires you
Travel. Getting to know new places, people, communities and, above all, the freedom it represents.